Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What Was That?

I think it’s about time for me to come up with my own catch phrase instead using someone else’s even though  it seems to work for what I’m writing. It’s time to change it up just a little bit but keep it moving. Have you ever seen something and thought I really didn’t just see that?  Those moments I’m going to start calling WHAT WAS THAT moments.  There will still be some You Need Your Ass Beat moments.  Here are a few I have seen that are WHAT WAS THAT moments.  I saw someone wearing some baggy high water jeans, WHAT WAS THAT.  Did they not try the jeans on before they left the store?  And why didn’t someone say something to them about his jeans.  That can’t be a style.  Another was I saw someone with finger waves, WHAT WAS THAT.  I thought this was 2011 not 1991.  What’s next, the jheri curl will make come back?  And speaking of hair, since when did having neon color hair become a fashion?  Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga got these women out here looking very wrong.  Women, one thing to remember if you are a darker skinned person you might want to stay away from the bright color hair because at night, it will look like an invisible person with bright hair walking by.  Stick to just highlights in your hair.  I saw a person driving a car with a helmet on, WHAT WAS THAT.  From the outside looking in, that didn’t look right.  I mean if you need to wear a helmet while driving a car, you shouldn’t be able to operate anything.  I know that I don’t know the whole story but for real.  And last, I saw two guys on a motorcycle, WHAT WAS THAT.  Need I say more?  That’s not a good look on so many levels.

It has a while since I have written a new blog and I appreciate everyone who has checked out my blog, passed it on to your friends and spread the word.  It also make me feel good that I haven’t pissed that many people off  too.  I’m going to keep going until the wheels completely fall off and even then I’ll find a way to keep it moving.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

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