Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fat Moment 2: Knowing what to say

I have said it before, there is nothing wrong with being on the chunky side.  Most people don’t want a skinny woman or man.  I call it having a chunk of love.  As a big person though, there are certain things you shouldn’t say when you are around a lot of people or ordering food.  One thing is saying I’m really not that hungry but let me get a number 1 super sized with a diet coke, two double cheese burgers and two apple pies.  Ok, first keep it real.  If you are coming into a fast food restaurant about to do damage to some food, do your thing.  But don’t say I’m really not that hungry but order the whole left side of the menu.  That’s not a good look.  Another thing that I have heard is I really need to watch what I eat but they are standing in line at Dairy Queen.  Things like that make you want to say, really you just realized while standing in the line at Dairy Queen that you need to watch what you eat?  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a small guy and have had many fat moments.  I’ll let you know I’m about wreck some food and won’t be ashamed to say it.  But you won’t hear me say I need to watch what I eat before or after I just ate a large pizza and drank a two liter of soda.  And finally, when I heard this I wanted to throw a soda on that person for saying this.  The person was eating and said I shouldn’t eat one more bite because I don’t want to get any bigger.  YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  I don’t care if it’s a joke or you are trying to be funny but if you are sitting at a table with your gut hanging out, you really shouldn’t say something like that.

Whether you are big or small, you should know what to say and not to say in public.  What makes it funny sometimes is that they realized what they have said but it’s too late.  To most, it doesn’t bother them and they keep it moving.  To others, they will have that look as to say I can’t believe I just said that.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

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