Wednesday, October 26, 2011

When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong

The reason I’m calling this blog that is because I see too many people who think they tough only when they are with a group of friends, want to talk tough on the phone aka telephone tough guy or do things to people they think they can get away with it but are quiet as a mouse when they are around certain people.  And it goes so well with what I’m writing.  I saw a few of those moments when it went wrong.  I saw someone throw an empty plastic bottle at a guy on a motorcycle, WHAT WAS THAT.  Now I don’t know what was going through that person’s head for them to throw the bottle and throw it at someone else or why they chose to throw it at someone on a motorcycle.  But I’m pretty sure they weren’t expecting the other person to turn around and come back.  So instead of standing there to see what was going to happen, they decided to duck in a restaurant not knowing the person on the motorcycle saw where they went.  You know someone was about to get there ass beat when you see someone go out of a door you’re not supposed to go out of.  I was hoping to see the some action but never did.  Another time was when I saw someone get put to sleep.  When you run your mouth while you are drinking and not paying attention to your friends going outside to smoke or to the restroom, you might want to chill out and be aware of where your friends are at.  Now they are coming back from the restroom and outside smoking to find you laid out on the ground.  Too much liquid courage in your system now you are getting carried out of the bar talking about what happen.

Those are just few situations that happen when keeping it real goes wrong.  I’m sure that people have a lot more and I’ll probably have some more to tell you as well.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool

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