Monday, October 10, 2011

Fat Moment 3: Eating at a Buffet Restaurant

It’s not uncommon when you go to any buffet restaurant that you may see a lot of plates at people’s tables as you walk to your table.  Now here’s the question, how many times did they get up to get those plates?  I know I probably sound like a broken record by saying this, fat moments can happen whether you are big or small.  A lot of small think just because you are small but eat enough for three people, you get away with it because you are small.  Not when I’m around you won’t get away with it.  There’s no reason to make only one trip to get some food and come back to the table with more than one plate of food.  I saw a person going back to their table with four plates stacked with food, WHAT WAS THAT.  They looked like a waiter bringing the table its food.  Some people fail to realize that it’s a buffet restaurant.  The food is going nowhere unless you are at a nasty restaurant.  If you see one piece of chicken, be patient.  They know the chicken is running low and they will be bringing more chicken out.  There should be no reason for you to cut in front of someone in a buffet line to get a piece of chicken.  Now you’re about to get in a fight with a senior citizen in the buffet line over a piece of chicken.  That’s not a good look getting jumped by a group of seniors with canes because other seniors will come to another senior’s rescue and getting kicked out of a buffet restaurant.

When going to a buffet restaurant remember to pace yourself.  Why grab three plates right away and then realize you can’t finish the third because your eyes were bigger than your stomach.  Another thing to remember is patience.  If they see a family that resembles the Klumps, they are ready to move fast to get the food out.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool

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