Friday, October 14, 2011

Road Rage

There is nothing funny about road rage.  Oh wait, yeah there is as long as no one gets hurt.  The sight of a grown person having a temper tantrum in their car like a little kid is hilarious.  But what causes road rage?  I’ve came up with some ways that could help prevent road rage from both ends as an angry impatient driver or the timid driver that the impatient driver is angry at.  First, if you are a timid driving meaning you act very nervous and scared when driving anything and drive way under the speed limit, you shouldn’t be driving.  As a matter of fact, how do those people pass their driving test?  And who was the instructor?  If you don’t know where you are going, get directions and map quest or GPS where you are going.  There is nothing worse than being behind someone who doesn’t know where they are going.  Now you are hitting your break every block now because the car in front of you is looking for a certain street and the person behind you is getting mad and having a temper tantrum.  Now from the other side, if people would give themselves enough time to get where they need to go, they would have to run up the back of the car in front of them or swerving in & out of traffic on a one lane street.  If you leave yourself some time and be patient, there won’t be any need to scream at the top of your lungs in your car because the timid driver in front of you is going 15 miles per hour.  One thing that both sides make it worse for road rage is merging into on-coming traffic.  Here’s the difference, the timid driver would cut you off as they are driving very slow and they might be paying attention to the car in the next lane.  As you past them and look over to their car, they usually are too scared to even look at you.  The impatient driver will cut you off as they zoom past you knowing who is in the next lane.  If you are able to catch up to them and look over at them, they are looking right back at you daring you to say something or give them the finger.

There are a lot of things that could easily be prevented if people would just take a step back & think, is it really worth it.  It’s amazing how the little thing things turn into huge problems.  Be patient.  Life is too short to dwell over petty stuff.  Follow me Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool

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