Monday, August 8, 2011


This is a RED ALERT blog to inform the people that spandex should be banned from anyone who doesn’t qualify.  Once again, I have nothing against a BBW or skinny woman but you are testing the waters in your choices in what you wear.  CARDINAL RULE: SPANDEX IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY!!!!  This is a major dress code violation and should be a YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT moment.   My only problem with some big and skinny woman is that they don’t dress properly in them.  If you can see what kind of nasty underwear you are wearing when you are wearing spandex, you should not be wearing spandex.  If you are wearing a shirt that comes above your waist to see what kind of nasty underwear you are wearing, you should not be wearing spandex.  If there is a hole in your spandex anywhere, take them off and throw them away.  If they are baggy and you need to keep pulling them up, you should be outlawed from wearing spandex because you didn’t get the right size.  There are too woman out there that don’t care how they look when they walk out of the house but are ready to fight someone because of what they are wearing.  Before you women get mad, please read the blog all the way through first.  If you don’t break any of those rules, you will be ok and I won’t talk about you.

Most of my blogs always come back to a few things.  First, do they have mirrors in their homes?  And two, who in there right mind, would let you walk out of the house like that?  If they really loved you, they would say something to you before you take one step outside.  Men can have some problems too, but not with spandex I hope.  Follow me @ wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool

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