Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Improper Swimsuits

In one of my first blogs, I talked about the difference between a one piece swimsuit and a two piece swimsuit.  I think I need to go more in depth in terms of a two piece swimsuit for women and swim trunks for men because I have been seeing some sights that have been hurting my eyes.  If you are over the age of 50, you shouldn’t be wearing a two piece swimsuit.  If you still have nice body that’s cool and good job on taking care of yourself but there is no shame in wearing a one piece swimsuit.  But if you look like a wrinkled leaf and know it, there is no way in hell you should have a two piece swimsuit on.  If you are between the ages of 12 &17, you shouldn’t be able to wear a two piece swimsuit.  Here is why, the way some of these young ladies are developing early is crazy.   If you are a parent that buys your over developed daughter a two piece swimsuit but gets mad because all of these old perverts are looking at her and trying to talk to her, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  Why buy that knowing you are going to flip out and are not comfortable with them having that on?  Or are you one of those parents that don’t know what your kids buy until you see them wear it?  Now, to the men out there when wearing swim trunks, I have 2 words for you, CRACK KILLS!  Can you please make sure your swim trunks are pulled up and tied up?  That goes double for all the big men out there.  We don’t need to see all that.  Also men, if your trunks come above your thigh, it’s time to buy some new trunks and get rid of those old ones.  And again we don’t need to see all of that.  If you are still wearing swim trunk that you got when you were 6 and you are 14 now, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  And to the parents of that kid, why let them still put those on?

As an adult, you know how your body looks and what looks good on your body.  As a parent, you don’t need to be so strict on what your kids wear but you should be at least a little cautious.  Lead by example by not wearing clothes that you really shouldn’t be wearing.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool

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