Friday, August 5, 2011

Receding Hairlines and Comb Overs

First before I start, I am not talking about all men with receding hairlines because I understand it can be hereditary and it happens.  Also if you keep a low cut or bald knowing you have a receding hairline, that’s cool with me.  The men I’m talking about are the ones who still think they have long flowing hair down to their shoulders with not a strand of hair on top, the ones that keep a comb over in style and the ones who can’t accept that they are going bald and try to rock braids, dreadlocks or a pony tail on the sides since that’s all the hair they have left.  All I have to say on that is, IT’S TIME TO LET IT GO!!!!  How can they think that looks good when your comb over is blowing all over the place because it got caught by a gust of wind.  Now it’s sticking straight up in the air while you are waiting for the bus and you are wondering why people driving by are laughing and pointing.  And why would you keep letting your hair grow out knowing you are very bald on top?  You know I get it if you had a full head of hair to have braids, dreadlocks or a pony tail at one time, key word is had but now you look like you have a rat tail.  Your hair is gone and it is not coming back unless you try one of those hair restoration places and I’m still going to talk about you because I knew what your head looked like before.  There is nothing wrong with being bald unless you are that self conscience about your head.  And speaking of which, some of these men out here crack me up by still wearing toupees in 2011 and try to pass it as their real hair.  If you don’t take that dead squirrel of your head, IT IS 2011 NOT 1911!!!!

It’s time to keep it real.  Only real woman like who you are.  If you are bald, you are bald.  If you have receding hairline, woman don’t mind as long as your hair doesn’t look like George Jefferson or Hulk Hogan and even then they might let you slide.  Be yourself and don’t try to be someone else.  Follow me on Twitter @ wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool.

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