Monday, August 1, 2011

BIG PEOPLE/little clothes

This blog was inspired from a trip to the mall over the weekend.  Where should I start?  When you go to a mall of all places or anywhere for that matter, wouldn’t you want to at least dress appropriately or decent?  That question was for anyone over the age of 25 because some kids today whether big or small don’t know how to dress at all.  Do people not look in the mirror before they leave the house?  Maybe it’s only a neck up mirror.  I saw people with clothes that wouldn’t even fit me and I’m not a small guy.  If you can feel a breeze on your back and it’s not windy and you are inside of a building, that means you shirt may be too small and you might want to pull your pants or shorts up while you are at it.  If the logo on your t-shirt is literally stretching when it’s not supposed to do that and the fabric is thin, it’s time to throw that shirt away and buy a new and bigger shirt.  Not only that, what would they do if their shirts just so happen to rip off of them like Hulk Hogan?  For those people, I can’t really put all of the blame on them because there was somebody who let them leave the house that way and was either too scared to say something or they too dress the exact same way or maybe there was no one there because of how they dress.  And for that, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  There is no excuse with stores like Big & Tall, Lane Bryant and many other places that you can’t find something big enough to wear that fits.

It was just a little too much too see in one day or even one weekend.  Oh, but don’t think I haven’t forgotten about you small people wearing 5XL shirts and way too big pants.  That blog is coming soon.  Just remember if it doesn’t fit, either throw it away if it is that old or give it away.  Follow me on Twitter @ wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool

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