Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nasty A** People

Have you seen someone do something that you thought was nasty and thought to yourself, did they really just do that?  I’m not talking about something you do at home because some people do the some of the nastiest stuff at home like clip their toe nails while you are eating popcorn.  Hasn’t happen to me but just saying.  I’m talking about out in public, at a park, a restaurant or anywhere out for that matter.  One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to nasty people is when someone blows their nose at the dinner table or at a restaurant.  How hard is it to excuse your nasty butt from the table and go to the restroom rather than blow your nose in a crowded restaurant or at the dinner table, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  I wish I could stab them with a rusty butter knife for that or spill a soda on them.  What ever happen to the “5 second rule”?  And does it apply at certain restaurants?  This is one of those moments when you just so happen to look up from having your face all in your food and look up to see someone pick up something off of the floor.  My thing is, how do you not know anyone is looking.  Unless it’s the last bite of food and within 5 seconds, you might as well take a lose on that food when it hits the floor.  Now, must people that know me know that I can’t stand feet so when I see someone sitting at the bus stop picking at their foot, it makes me want to hop the curb and run them over.  You couldn’t have found anything else to do while waiting for the bus like read a book, play a game on your phone or even people watch, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  You know, that may need more than that, how about SMACK YOURSELF with that hand you were picking your foot with you nasty butt.  One of the funniest things to see but still nasty is catching someone picking their nose at a stop light or driving.  What makes it funny is when they look over to see if anyone is looking, their finger is still in their nose.  You couldn’t have used a piece of tissue to blow your nose when the car is stopped?  Instead you decided to go gold digging and got caught.  What were you going to do if you struck gold anyway?  I’m surprise they didn’t hit a bump and get their finger stuck.

There’s not much that creeps or grosses me out.  As a kid, I was taught that if you need to blow your nose, excuse yourself from the dinner table.  It’s sign of respect to not gross everyone out at the table or in the restaurant.  I have a feeling this is just the start of a few more nasty people moments.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Haircuts and Hairstyles

I remember when men would go to the barbershop and get just a regular haircut like a fade, get a line up or a trim.  Same with women when they go to the hair salon they would get braids, a decent hairstyle, get their ends clipped, get some highlights or even get some weave put in.  Even some of the old school haircuts are coming back like the high top fade or having your name or other words cut into your hair.  But these days, it’s crazy what some of these people are coming into the barbershops or hair salons asking for or even what they do to their hair after they leave the shop.  Since when did the mohawk haircut make such a comeback?  And when was it ever in style?  And who decided to put different color hair dye in their hair with it and cut words on the side like the old school regular haircuts?  They should have “Something is wrong with me, HELP ME!!!!” cut in the side if they have a mohawk.  They look like Mr. T on drugs.  Men if you need to use an afro pick for your mohawk, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!  I understand if some guys do it for a sport or something short term.  And Wiz Khalifa got all these kids and some adults putting yellow dye in their hair.  But what would you do if you were to spill the dye in your hair?  Now you look like a circus clown without the make-up.  And why are some women getting fades or just cutting one side of their hair.  Word of advice, just like some men with mohawks, just because Amber Rose looks good with a very short hairstyle doesn’t mean you do.  If your head is shaped like a bullet, football or a cone head women, you shouldn’t cut all your hair off.  If you still try to pull it off with you head looking like a bullet, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  This is where you will know who your true friends are because they would tell you that’s not a good look.  Some women look very good with a short haircut.  Also with these sometimes weird hairstyles, I’m starting to see a somewhat role reversal in terms of hair.  I’ve seen men with long dreads & braids talking to women with fades & mohawks.  Wow, is this what the world is coming to?

Haircuts and hairstyles are just like what I was talking with clothes, they all don’t go with everybody.  Celebrities are also victims of bad haircuts and hairstyles too.  Just because you see someone else with haircut doesn’t mean you need to get it.  Be yourself and except who you are.  The only person that can change what you are or want to be is you.  Be a leader not a follow.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Little guys in TOO BIG clothes

I had to talk about the big people for wearing too small clothes because it was getting a little out of hand.  Now it’s time to get on the little guys.  Little guys, why do you feel the need to buy and wear the biggest shirt and pants in the store?  Do you think you will eventually grow into them one day?  Do you feel that wearing big clothes will help with your little guy complex?  What is the reason for that?  If you are 5’3” or smaller and not even weigh 105 pounds soaking wet, why do you need to have a 3XLT shirt with some 38 waist jeans?  Correction, why are wearing a 4XLT shirt under 2XLT shirt with some 38 waist jeans and a belt that hangs down to your ankles, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  Really, you couldn’t find anything closer to your own size to fit you at all?  Not only that, why are you even in the big & tall section anyway knowing you should be in the kids section at JC Penny looking for a extra medium shirt?  And who told you that looked good?  They need to get slapped.  That’s like Spud Webb wearing Shaq’s clothes.  You could fit you and another person into them clothes.  If your shirt looks like a long sleeve dress, you shouldn’t be wearing it.  It’s not a good look when you have to cuff your jeans more than four times or seeing you back pockets at your ankles.  I’m surprised that any little guy with too big clothes on doesn’t turn into a kite when it’s windy outside.  If I was a real big guy, I would literally step on every little guy with oversized clothes on.  Maybe that’s why bigger guys wear smaller shirts because the little guys have taken all the big sizes.  It’s like a role reversal in terms of clothes.

You would think after a certain age, they would eventually snap out of it and buy some clothes that fit just a little loose.  Then they would sound like the older generations when they look at old pictures and say “What in the hell was I thinking to wear that”. Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool

Friday, August 19, 2011

Skinny Jeans

First, let me clarify who I am talking about before women think I’m talking about them.  I’m talking about any guy under the age of 30 because I don’t think and I hope anyone over the age of 30 wear those.  Men, what in the hell were you thinking when you decided to make skinny jeans fashionable?  Back in the day when they were not called skinny jeans they were called hip huggers or tight jeans and not tight meaning they look good, you would get talked about.  I guess not much has changed because I’m talking about whoever wears skinny jeans.  Maybe it’s because of the wrong guys are wearing them.  If it takes you more than ten minutes just to put skinny jeans on, you shouldn’t be wearing them.  How does it take more than ten minutes to put them on and only pulled up just below your butt with a belt that you really don’t use but for fashion?  If you are one of those guys that wear an extra small shirt that only comes to your waist but you pants are below your butt, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  Quit stealing your little brother’s shirts or buying too little shirts.  If you are over 250 pounds or look like an offensive lineman for the Minnesota Vikings, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  Do you know how bad you look in skinny jeans?  Key word is SKINNY.  Anyone that works in a clothing store and see a big guy try to buy some skinny jeans, call security and have them because it would probably take more than one security guard since it’s a big guy throw his big butt out of the store like Jazzy Jeff used to on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.  If you wear size 13 shoes or bigger, you shouldn’t be wearing skinny jeans either.  You look like you have some skies on.

I understand people want to have their own style but what should you do if the style you choose doesn’t fit you.  Be comfortable in what you wear so you don’t have keep a hold on your jeans while walking.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Improper Swimsuits

In one of my first blogs, I talked about the difference between a one piece swimsuit and a two piece swimsuit.  I think I need to go more in depth in terms of a two piece swimsuit for women and swim trunks for men because I have been seeing some sights that have been hurting my eyes.  If you are over the age of 50, you shouldn’t be wearing a two piece swimsuit.  If you still have nice body that’s cool and good job on taking care of yourself but there is no shame in wearing a one piece swimsuit.  But if you look like a wrinkled leaf and know it, there is no way in hell you should have a two piece swimsuit on.  If you are between the ages of 12 &17, you shouldn’t be able to wear a two piece swimsuit.  Here is why, the way some of these young ladies are developing early is crazy.   If you are a parent that buys your over developed daughter a two piece swimsuit but gets mad because all of these old perverts are looking at her and trying to talk to her, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  Why buy that knowing you are going to flip out and are not comfortable with them having that on?  Or are you one of those parents that don’t know what your kids buy until you see them wear it?  Now, to the men out there when wearing swim trunks, I have 2 words for you, CRACK KILLS!  Can you please make sure your swim trunks are pulled up and tied up?  That goes double for all the big men out there.  We don’t need to see all that.  Also men, if your trunks come above your thigh, it’s time to buy some new trunks and get rid of those old ones.  And again we don’t need to see all of that.  If you are still wearing swim trunk that you got when you were 6 and you are 14 now, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  And to the parents of that kid, why let them still put those on?

As an adult, you know how your body looks and what looks good on your body.  As a parent, you don’t need to be so strict on what your kids wear but you should be at least a little cautious.  Lead by example by not wearing clothes that you really shouldn’t be wearing.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool

Friday, August 12, 2011

People and their vehicles

Shouldn’t you have to be a certain height to drive an SUV?  How short do you have to be before you realize you are almost honking your own horn while you are driving?  It looks like they are literally standing up to drive.  If you are less than 5’3”, you shouldn’t be allowed to drive an SUV.  I don’t care if you are using a phone book, a booster seat or stilts to reach the pedal.  And on the flip side, why are big people driving small cars?  I’m seeing too many big people in cars like a ford focus.  Wow, when you are shopping for cars and you have to either fold yourself or squeeze yourself into the car, you shouldn’t buy it.  If you keep honking the horn as you are either getting in or out of the car like Rasputia in the movie Norbit, you are too big for that car.  If you look like Officer Hightower from the Police Academy movies in a small car, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, watch the movies.  If you over a certain age, you shouldn’t be able to drive either.  I get nervous when I see a senior citizen going 40 miles per hour on the freeway in the fast lane.  Maybe they should have to take the driver’s test over to see if they can still drive.

All I’m saying is buy a vehicle that fits you.  Just because you think a ford expedition looks good doesn’t mean you look good in it.  Think before you act or you will run into people like me.  Follow me @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool 

Monday, August 8, 2011


This is a RED ALERT blog to inform the people that spandex should be banned from anyone who doesn’t qualify.  Once again, I have nothing against a BBW or skinny woman but you are testing the waters in your choices in what you wear.  CARDINAL RULE: SPANDEX IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY!!!!  This is a major dress code violation and should be a YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT moment.   My only problem with some big and skinny woman is that they don’t dress properly in them.  If you can see what kind of nasty underwear you are wearing when you are wearing spandex, you should not be wearing spandex.  If you are wearing a shirt that comes above your waist to see what kind of nasty underwear you are wearing, you should not be wearing spandex.  If there is a hole in your spandex anywhere, take them off and throw them away.  If they are baggy and you need to keep pulling them up, you should be outlawed from wearing spandex because you didn’t get the right size.  There are too woman out there that don’t care how they look when they walk out of the house but are ready to fight someone because of what they are wearing.  Before you women get mad, please read the blog all the way through first.  If you don’t break any of those rules, you will be ok and I won’t talk about you.

Most of my blogs always come back to a few things.  First, do they have mirrors in their homes?  And two, who in there right mind, would let you walk out of the house like that?  If they really loved you, they would say something to you before you take one step outside.  Men can have some problems too, but not with spandex I hope.  Follow me @ wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool

Friday, August 5, 2011

Receding Hairlines and Comb Overs

First before I start, I am not talking about all men with receding hairlines because I understand it can be hereditary and it happens.  Also if you keep a low cut or bald knowing you have a receding hairline, that’s cool with me.  The men I’m talking about are the ones who still think they have long flowing hair down to their shoulders with not a strand of hair on top, the ones that keep a comb over in style and the ones who can’t accept that they are going bald and try to rock braids, dreadlocks or a pony tail on the sides since that’s all the hair they have left.  All I have to say on that is, IT’S TIME TO LET IT GO!!!!  How can they think that looks good when your comb over is blowing all over the place because it got caught by a gust of wind.  Now it’s sticking straight up in the air while you are waiting for the bus and you are wondering why people driving by are laughing and pointing.  And why would you keep letting your hair grow out knowing you are very bald on top?  You know I get it if you had a full head of hair to have braids, dreadlocks or a pony tail at one time, key word is had but now you look like you have a rat tail.  Your hair is gone and it is not coming back unless you try one of those hair restoration places and I’m still going to talk about you because I knew what your head looked like before.  There is nothing wrong with being bald unless you are that self conscience about your head.  And speaking of which, some of these men out here crack me up by still wearing toupees in 2011 and try to pass it as their real hair.  If you don’t take that dead squirrel of your head, IT IS 2011 NOT 1911!!!!

It’s time to keep it real.  Only real woman like who you are.  If you are bald, you are bald.  If you have receding hairline, woman don’t mind as long as your hair doesn’t look like George Jefferson or Hulk Hogan and even then they might let you slide.  Be yourself and don’t try to be someone else.  Follow me on Twitter @ wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Foot Neglect

Summer will be over soon and it will be time for the ladies to put the sandals, flip flops or open toe heels away until next spring.  But before you do, I want to let you know that some of you ladies foot game was very messed up.  The reason I’m going after some the woman is because they try to buy the nicest pair of sandals or open toe heels not realizing their feet are jacked up.  How are you going to walk out of the house knowing your feet look like eagles claws and the nail polish is peeling off?  And maybe you might want to put some lotion or something on your feet too so they won’t look like you have been stomping out fires all day or breaking bricks with the back of your feet.  And to the ladies, who wear open toe heels knowing your toes look like a crowded elevator, toes fighting for position, get a bigger size.  There is a nail shop in pretty much every neighborhood, community or city where they can use a heavy duty sander and nail polish to get your feet right.  There is nothing worse than when you are cuddling with your lady and she is rubbing her feet all over you and you think your legs are wet from sweat but you are really bleeding because she has cut you up with her rough feet and razor sharp toe nails.  Now your bed looks like a murder scene for your legs bleeding all over the place.  Foot neglect can also happen by not wearing the right size shoes.  Now your toes look like cashew nuts because you have been wearing shoes two sizes too small.  Oh but don’t worry ladies, I haven’t forgotten about some of the men out there too who’s toes look like they could kick a tree down and feet that look like they have been walking over hot coals.  Men buy sandals knowing their feet are not looking right.  I have two words for that, NAIL CLIPPERS!!!! 

Remember, your feet are the first things that go in the bath tub.  Most people that complain that they have bad feet as they get older are probably the ones that neglected their feet.  Wear the right size shoe.  If you don’t get your feet done on a regular basis, all you need is some nail clippers & lotion.  Take care of your feet and you will be just fine.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool

Monday, August 1, 2011

BIG PEOPLE/little clothes

This blog was inspired from a trip to the mall over the weekend.  Where should I start?  When you go to a mall of all places or anywhere for that matter, wouldn’t you want to at least dress appropriately or decent?  That question was for anyone over the age of 25 because some kids today whether big or small don’t know how to dress at all.  Do people not look in the mirror before they leave the house?  Maybe it’s only a neck up mirror.  I saw people with clothes that wouldn’t even fit me and I’m not a small guy.  If you can feel a breeze on your back and it’s not windy and you are inside of a building, that means you shirt may be too small and you might want to pull your pants or shorts up while you are at it.  If the logo on your t-shirt is literally stretching when it’s not supposed to do that and the fabric is thin, it’s time to throw that shirt away and buy a new and bigger shirt.  Not only that, what would they do if their shirts just so happen to rip off of them like Hulk Hogan?  For those people, I can’t really put all of the blame on them because there was somebody who let them leave the house that way and was either too scared to say something or they too dress the exact same way or maybe there was no one there because of how they dress.  And for that, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  There is no excuse with stores like Big & Tall, Lane Bryant and many other places that you can’t find something big enough to wear that fits.

It was just a little too much too see in one day or even one weekend.  Oh, but don’t think I haven’t forgotten about you small people wearing 5XL shirts and way too big pants.  That blog is coming soon.  Just remember if it doesn’t fit, either throw it away if it is that old or give it away.  Follow me on Twitter @ wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool