Friday, September 6, 2013

MN State Fair 2013

Another year and another day at the Great Minnesota get together aka MN State Fair and I have to say that it was wasn’t as bad but there like in years past but there were still some sights that I could just let go by.  It has become inevitable that you’re going to see bad dress code violations and I’ve already tackled that subject in a past MN State Fair post.

Once again before I start in on certain people, I want to say again thank you again to all of the fathers who sacrifice their limbs to fit into a ride made for a small child.  I see women reading this and saying that they get on the rides with their kids and that’s true but you get on rides like the tilt-a-whirl or something where you look like you fit comfortably.  I saw a poor guy get on a ride with his son and only half of him fit in the car.  As the ride went, his face got redder and redder and a look on his face that said “I might really need the jaws of life to get out of this ride”.  Another brave soul who was hanging out of a train with his child said “I may need you to go get some butter to slide me out of here”.  The point I’m trying to make is moms, if the father is on the stocky side or is just big, don’t make them go on the little kids rides.  There are enough rides in that area that don’t require a parent to accompany the child.

One thing I will never do and I will never make my family do is dress everyone the same just to go to the fair or any amusement park.  That’s not a good look and I highly recommend anyone who is seriously thinking of doing that to think very hard before leaving the house.  Why would you want to dress everyone the same in the first place?  Then you wonder why when your kids get older, they don’t want to go to the fair or any amusement park with you because you will have them dressed like Where’s Waldo.  If you’re afraid you’re going to lose someone so that’s why you do that there are two things I can suggest.  One you shouldn’t be going anywhere if you can’t pay attention to where your kids are at because you’re focused on getting a candybar on a stick and two give them the talk that most kids got before they went to the fair or anywhere for that matter either stay close or it will be time to go home if you don’t want to listen.  And to take it a step further,  I saw a family that was on the larger side including the kids wearing different color M&M t-shirts, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  There are certain shirts you really shouldn’t wear if you are a larger individual and that’s one of them.  Sure you’re being creative and you think it’s a good idea, but it’s something you may want to stay away from in the future.  Just saying.

You know growing up and going to the fair, I would see people with strollers or electric scooters/wheelchairs and watch them bump into people and run over people’s feet.  I would say that was messed up for them to do that.  Now as an adult with my own kids I can feel their pain, certain people are rude and deserve to get ran over with the stroller or electric scooter.  There’s only so many times people cut in front of you and you say excuse me but they won’t move.  Or even worse is when another person with a stroller cuts off a person with a stroller.  That’s when your patience gets severely tested like trying to find a parking spot in a very crowded parking lot or trying to change lanes on the freeway but they won’t let you over.  When my patience is pretty much shot, I’m the type of parent that will run up your leg with the stroller or get those achilles like when you used to run into your mom’s with the shopping cart at the grocery store because you’re not paying attention.  One day maybe, people will be more respectful of those with strollers or electric scooters.  Either that or I will be writing about road rage the stroller edition.

Everyone who knows me or had read my one of my blog post knows that if you are dressed wrong, I will make sure that doesn’t happen again and get my point across to try to prevent that from happening again.  Of course there are always some dress code violations at the state fair but there’s no need for me to sound like a broken record about it.  I’ve even written about wearing heels to the state fair.  Now it’s time to talk about a certain pair of sandals that are a popular pair of sandals or heels with the ladies.  The type of sandals that I’m talking about are the ones that look like they are from the ancient rome days like in the movie Gladiator with all of those straps.  Those are very fashionable but here’s the problem with those sandals, every woman's feet are not shaped the same.  So when some ladies wear those, their pinkie toe looks like it was pushed out the side and hanging on for dear life between two of the straps.  When I see that I have to wonder either they can’t feel that their pinkie toe is literally dragging on the pavement or they are too embarrassed to try to fix it until they can get somewhere where no one can see them.  So before you buy a pair of those sandals, please make sure that all of your toes are safe, secure and not in danger of falling out the side.

Going to the state fair is always an experience in itself but it’s one everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime.  It’s a chance to spend time with loved ones and hopefully not get in trouble while doing so.  There’s no excuse to not go if you have an opportunity to go.  So if it’s your first time going and you’re not sure about going, treat it like trying a new food, you won’t know if you don’t like it until you try it.  If you don’t like it after you’ve tried it, it happens.  Life is way too short to not enjoy it.  Still thinking of changing the name of the blog to put my own touch on it so I’m willing to take suggestions.  Also comments are well appreciated as well.  Remember to follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thing to Get Off My Chest

Back again with another P.S.A. post.  We are almost done with summer and there have been some rather unusual and “Did I just see that?” sights that I can’t just let slide.  Also it has been a while since my last post.  So I thought I would get some things off of my chest.

When going out with friends, there are a few ways to dress either comfortably, casual or dress to impress just to name a few. Do not try to mix any of the styles or face the consequences of being pointed out of a crowd in public.  There should be no way you should walk out of the house with windbreaker pants with a polo shirt.  But to make it worse, the shirt was maroon & the windbreaker pants were gray and red.  Now you're out in public looking like an off color rainbow. The person reminded of the guy Moly who had the nasty restaurant in Friday After Next.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, please look up the movie.

Isn't there or should there be a bit of a weight requirement to operate a scooter?  I'm really not trying to be mean but when you see a larger individual on a scooter it just doesn’t look right for some reason.  And on top of that you're struggling to control a scooter like riding a bike for the first time, it makes one think.  And if they struggle that bad why do they keep getting back on having the same results?  It may be time get on a bike and start from scratch.

And while we're talking about motorized bikes, is it safe to say that seeing two men on a scooter or motorcycle is not a good look?  Before I continue, I'm not talking about two small or average men I'm talking about two men who look like linebackers in the NFL. I can understand if you're trying to help a friend out with a ride but it you two are built like Patrick Willis and NaVorro Bowman from the San Francisco 49ers, you might want to call the friend with a car, invest in a bus card or a bike of your own.

To the BBW (Big Beautiful Women), I have a few things to say about you ladies.  First thing, biker shorts are really not for most of you.  Well not in public at least.  I'm sorry and I know it’s been hot but there are shorts or nice size skirt you can wear to stay cool.  There's nothing worse than seeing that in public because it looks you're squeezing the life out of your stomach and thighs.  Either that or they decided to bust out and rip open the shorts to get some fresh air. You can still wear spandexs but remember the rules on that which is no holes, stirrups and make sure they fit.  Second, fishnet stockings should not even be in some of you ladies vocabulary.  I know you’re trying to get your grown and sexy on but if your legs look like two big rolls of bubble wrap you might want to stay away from fishnet stockings.  Just saying

I have to apologize for not writing a new blog post in a while.  I have been working on a short story to really get my writing out there to show I can really write and tell a very good story.  I will get back into ultimate writing mode.  I’m also contemplating a name change as well to put my own stamp on it.  I’ve been seeing a lot of Public Service Announcements out there even though they’re not like mine.  When you read this, I would appreciate a comment.  I would to see who is reading my blog and what you think of it.  Also a big shout to everyone on the grind in a positive way and showing that all black are not lazy.  If you want me to shout out your business, website or organization,  hit me up and I can share it with others..  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

Friday, March 15, 2013

You’ve been warned……………AGAIN!!!!!

It has been a year and a half since I decided to put some of my thoughts down on paper and create my blog.  Also it has been way too long since my last blog post so I have decided to reintroduce what I’m writing about to some of those who have started reading my blog in the middle and not read my first blog post You’ve been warned.  As you all should know by now that I love to people watch whether it’s at work, at the mall or anywhere I decide to travel and hopefully bring awareness to some of the foolishness that happens out in the public eye such improper or inappropriate clothing, not thinking before you speak and foolish actions.  I’m happy to say that I have written a lot of blog post and luckily haven’t offended too many people.

I really think I should say this again, if you read my blog and feel that I have offended you or someone you may know chances are then I may be talking about you.  There should be no reason why you can’t read my blog and say “You know, he might have a point” instead of “I can’t believe he said that”.  There is something that everyone has called COMMON SENSE.  Some have a whole lot and use it very well.  Some have just a little bit and uses it somewhat wisely.  Then there are those individuals that don’t use the common sense that they do have.  So with that being said, here are a few things that need to be addressed for 2013

I’m trying not to sound like a broken record because I have already talked about this before but is it just me or does it seem that men that wear skinny jeans pants are getting tighter.  You know, I understand why women wear skinny jeans so that they can show off their figure or lack there of or even way too much of.  So what are some men’s excuses for wearing skinny jeans?  Is because they want to show their figure? Some of the unlikely few that wear skinny jeans call it “swag”.  That’s not swag, more like a flag that that the NFL referees throw for a penalty.  A personal foul for unsportsmanlike conduct for wearing jean that tight.  And to add to the madness, they also want to sag wear skinny jeans.  How is that even possible?  That’s a double wammy.  That’s like farting in a crowded elevator it may be a good idea at the time and feels good but turns out to be a very bad idea.  What I have also noticed that men that wear skinny jeans walk either real slow or real fast.  Most jean material really doesn’t stretch so what I think is why they walk so slow is either their legs are going numb or are already numb that’s why it looks like they are dragging their leg when they walk.  Or the total opposite when they walk fast is to keep from having their legs go numb and/or keep from having their jeans from falling.  Either way, it really doesn’t look right.

Men if you’re going to take a picture of yourself and put on a social media site, let’s try to take a decent picture at that.  The reason I say that is because there are way too many men who are taking pictures of themselves with their shirts off and putting them as their main profile picture.  Here’s where that’s a problem when they take the picture it’s not of them working out in a gym, it’s not of them at the beach or even a photo shoots at a studio.  They decide to take the infamous bathroom picture trying to show their muscles or muscles they think they have.  Come on fellas get it together.  It’s a SOCIAL media site not one of these cheesy dating site where just women look at your profile.  Those are pictures that you can send to a certain person that asks for them.  If you have a friend or friends that are a victim of this please give them a judo chop to the throat and tell them to never do that again.

Now before the women start laughing at the men, you’re not too far on the terms taken bad pictures.  Instead of trying to show off your muscles or lack there of like the men, women forget to make sure stuff is cleaned up in the background before you take the pictures.  Yes you may get a lot of compliments on the outfit you have on to go out to the club or somewhere nice but what about your other outfits that are in a big pile of dirty clothes directly behind you.  And if you have kids, please make sure that they are either with you in the picture or doing something where people would say “Awwww that’s so cute”.  It’s not a good when you take the picture and your kid has your bra and is using it as a hat in the background.

With a new year comes new beginnings and new challenges.  I feel that 2013 will be my year break out in my writing.  I also want to start writing short stories as well.  As long I stay focused on my goals there’s no limit on what could happen.  I want to thank everyone again who keeps reading my blog.  It always feels good to hear good comments about it.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.