Friday, August 12, 2011

People and their vehicles

Shouldn’t you have to be a certain height to drive an SUV?  How short do you have to be before you realize you are almost honking your own horn while you are driving?  It looks like they are literally standing up to drive.  If you are less than 5’3”, you shouldn’t be allowed to drive an SUV.  I don’t care if you are using a phone book, a booster seat or stilts to reach the pedal.  And on the flip side, why are big people driving small cars?  I’m seeing too many big people in cars like a ford focus.  Wow, when you are shopping for cars and you have to either fold yourself or squeeze yourself into the car, you shouldn’t buy it.  If you keep honking the horn as you are either getting in or out of the car like Rasputia in the movie Norbit, you are too big for that car.  If you look like Officer Hightower from the Police Academy movies in a small car, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, watch the movies.  If you over a certain age, you shouldn’t be able to drive either.  I get nervous when I see a senior citizen going 40 miles per hour on the freeway in the fast lane.  Maybe they should have to take the driver’s test over to see if they can still drive.

All I’m saying is buy a vehicle that fits you.  Just because you think a ford expedition looks good doesn’t mean you look good in it.  Think before you act or you will run into people like me.  Follow me @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool 

1 comment:

  1. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! I am 5'3" and drive my SUV jusssssssst fine!
