Have you seen someone do something that you thought was nasty and thought to yourself, did they really just do that? I’m not talking about something you do at home because some people do the some of the nastiest stuff at home like clip their toe nails while you are eating popcorn. Hasn’t happen to me but just saying. I’m talking about out in public, at a park, a restaurant or anywhere out for that matter. One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to nasty people is when someone blows their nose at the dinner table or at a restaurant. How hard is it to excuse your nasty butt from the table and go to the restroom rather than blow your nose in a crowded restaurant or at the dinner table, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!! I wish I could stab them with a rusty butter knife for that or spill a soda on them. What ever happen to the “5 second rule”? And does it apply at certain restaurants? This is one of those moments when you just so happen to look up from having your face all in your food and look up to see someone pick up something off of the floor. My thing is, how do you not know anyone is looking. Unless it’s the last bite of food and within 5 seconds, you might as well take a lose on that food when it hits the floor. Now, must people that know me know that I can’t stand feet so when I see someone sitting at the bus stop picking at their foot, it makes me want to hop the curb and run them over. You couldn’t have found anything else to do while waiting for the bus like read a book, play a game on your phone or even people watch, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!! You know, that may need more than that, how about SMACK YOURSELF with that hand you were picking your foot with you nasty butt. One of the funniest things to see but still nasty is catching someone picking their nose at a stop light or driving. What makes it funny is when they look over to see if anyone is looking, their finger is still in their nose. You couldn’t have used a piece of tissue to blow your nose when the car is stopped? Instead you decided to go gold digging and got caught. What were you going to do if you struck gold anyway? I’m surprise they didn’t hit a bump and get their finger stuck.
There’s not much that creeps or grosses me out. As a kid, I was taught that if you need to blow your nose, excuse yourself from the dinner table. It’s sign of respect to not gross everyone out at the table or in the restaurant. I have a feeling this is just the start of a few more nasty people moments. Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa. Until the next time, stay cool.