Friday, August 3, 2012

You Can’t Blame the Youth

There has been a lot that has been said about the younger generations of kids.  Some good and some bad but unfortunately the bad has been more publicized instead of find a solution to the problem.  For a start you can’t blame all the youth for some of their misfortunes.  There’s a start to everything that morph into something that had you shaking your head and saying YOU NEED YOU ASS BEAT!!!!  For starters, let’s start with the parents.  Some parents are setting some bad examples and then sending these kids out in the world.

Like the music you listen to as a parent.  It doesn’t matter what you listen to whether it’s hip hop, rock n roll, country or anything else but don’t listen to songs that curse every other word around young kids and then get mad when they get in trouble at school because they told the teacher that they go hard as a m**** f**** in math.  Now you’re at your kid’s school trying to explain where they got it from trying to blame someone else.  I’m not saying to stop listening to your choice of music just remember that if you have kids, especially young kids don’t listen to the most explicit songs around them.  Some radio stations do have decent music to listen without the cursing.

One big thing for me is don’t get mad at a child for wearing certain clothes when as a parent you wear those same things.  For example ladies if you wear shorts that look like a pair of underwear, how are you going to tell a child not to wear that?  Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?  As a parent, you should try to lead by example.  And a good example at that like not coming out of the house looking like Lady Gaga, Lil Wayne or some other celebrities that dresses a little over the top.  Also, make sure your kids are changing their clothes and taking baths or showers.  It’s not good to see a kid in the same clothes for a whole week with the same food stain in the same spot.  I know kids have a tendency spill a lot but they are not that accurate to spill in the same spot every single day.  They will add to it too.  And make sure their clothes fit.  Don’t send a kid out in a shirt that supposed to be a long sleeve shirt but the sleeves stop at their upper forearm.

Another real big thing for me is just because you are out somewhere with your kids, that doesn’t mean you can take a break from being a parent.  There’s nothing worse than being out somewhere and seeing kids running all over the place, running into people and getting into stuff they shouldn’t be doing while the parent or parents act like they don’t see them doing that until someone else says something.  Now they get mad when someone tripped their child because they were told to stop running around the store.

Most mothers and father these days need to realize that they are their child’s first teacher.  Not the school teachers or the people that work at community centers, THE PARENTS are the first teachers.  With younger parents, they need to wake and realize that when you have a child, that child becomes your number one priority as well as having a job and setting a good example.  It’s not others responsibility to raise someone else’s kids because that could either be a blessing or a curse.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool.


  1. All I have to say is amen! I have a hard time believing that young parents of today were led by the example they are giving their own children these days. Remember what your parents taught you and stop following the idiocracy of celebrity society!!

  2. I think it's amazing how parents think they can leave their children in front of the tv to be parented & then wonder why their kids are so hooked on electronics. If the kids aren't listening the answer is not to have them watch tv, or play a video game, or play a computer game. That isn't parenting, that's a cop out.Just my thoughts...
