Thursday, October 11, 2012

MN State Fair 2012

Another year another day at the Great Minnesota get together.  Always fun whether you go for the tons of food they have every year including the growing list of things they find to put on a stick or weird combinations they come up with, the rides, game and of course people watch.

I would like to give a shout out to all of the parents mainly the dads that go above and beyond for their kids at the fair especially the little kids.  It takes a hell of person to go on a little kid ride because they didn’t realize that their child was too little for that ride.  So now they have to try to fold and fit themselves into the ride like trying to fit an offensive lineman into a ford focus, it can be done but highly not recommended.  But it’s safe to say in the end, it’s all worth it when you see a huge smile on your child’s face.  Next year I want to see more moms attempt to fold themselves into the small rides instead of having the dads walk around the fair with a bad cramp from getting in and out the small rides, NO EXCUSES!!!!

Women, what is the purpose of wearing heels to the fair?  Do they not realize that all you do walk and eat?  The fair is not an outside club.  I mean you could just stand in one spot all day but why even go to the fair just to do that.  And if you’re going to wear heels to the fair at least make sure you know how to walk in them.  There’s nothing worse than seeing a woman that can’t walk in heels.  They look like a baby taking their first steps or someone trying to skate for the first time because they’re hugging a wall to balance.

And while we are talking about the women, I do realize that most of the days during the fair were hot so you try to wear something comfortable to stay cool but don’t try to show a little too much if you know what I mean.  Please remember that people bring their kids and families to the fair.  They don’t want to see someone wearing a too little mini skirt with your dirty thong showing, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  Why set yourself up for being pointed at and talked about all day at the fair.  Most women know better than that.  Key word is MOST.

I think this year was a record for seeing fanny packs.  But now I do feel some the people that wear them at the fair.  That look hasn’t been since the 80’s but I do understand.  The one’s I really don’t get and are a little too much are these industrial size fanny packs that you can carry a water bottle.  What’s next, walking at the fair with a long straw in the water bottle so you can keep your hand free?  It’s already bad enough that fanny pack are somewhat still style and relevant.

There’s nothing like going to the state fair.  It’s one of the only times you can eat or drink a lot and not feel guilty for stuffing your face.  It’s also amazing how you the crowd changes at a certain time.  You go from seeing comfortably dress adults to out of their mind teens with skinny jeans and ripped up spandex.  Remember to follow on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Improper Swimsuit 2

After my first improper swimsuit post, I didn’t think I would be putting another one out after what I saw last summer.  I’m still seeing violations that I wrote about in my previous post and now I’ve seen some stuff I didn’t think people would do.

If your swimsuit has more than two big holes in it, first you need to throw it away immediately and second YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT for wearing it out in public. People should know better than that to walk out of the house with their swimsuit looking like it stretched way too far and couldn’t hold together.  Either that or the swimsuit is just that old.  Either way, throw that damn thing away if it has holes in it.

Pregnant women, before you take this the way and don’t get me wrong they can have as much fun at the pool or lake just like every one else but here’s the dilemma, should they be allowed to wear a two piece swimsuit instead of a one piece swimsuit?  Here’s the problem with this situation and what I saw to make me say this but with a two piece swimsuit like a skimpy bikini on some pregnant women, it looks like from certain angles that they are walking around completely ass out at the pool.  That’s not a good look and remember that there are kids at the pools too.  So don’t get mad if a young kid points and say mommy why she just has a top on.  I highly suggest wearing a tankini with visible bottoms or a one piece swim suit to prevent that from happening.  Just a thought that’s all.

I’m really trying to be understanding about certain thing such as an older woman wearing a strapless swimsuit but when the twins if you know what I mean hang to the lower part of your stomach and you have to keep pulling it up every time you get in and out of the water, that’s not a good look and YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  Gravity has taken over and you’re no spring chicken anymore.  It’s time for a little help to give the elusion that gravity hasn’t taken oven quite yet and get a swimsuit with straps.

When you are in the comforts of home and your backyard, you can wear whatever you would like whether it has holes all over, doesn’t fit right or doesn’t match.  I know that it may sound kind of mean to say those things but when you walk out of your house and around public like that, you are fair game unfortunately. Hopefully you have some very good friends or family that would keep you from walking out of the house like that.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool

Friday, August 3, 2012

You Can’t Blame the Youth

There has been a lot that has been said about the younger generations of kids.  Some good and some bad but unfortunately the bad has been more publicized instead of find a solution to the problem.  For a start you can’t blame all the youth for some of their misfortunes.  There’s a start to everything that morph into something that had you shaking your head and saying YOU NEED YOU ASS BEAT!!!!  For starters, let’s start with the parents.  Some parents are setting some bad examples and then sending these kids out in the world.

Like the music you listen to as a parent.  It doesn’t matter what you listen to whether it’s hip hop, rock n roll, country or anything else but don’t listen to songs that curse every other word around young kids and then get mad when they get in trouble at school because they told the teacher that they go hard as a m**** f**** in math.  Now you’re at your kid’s school trying to explain where they got it from trying to blame someone else.  I’m not saying to stop listening to your choice of music just remember that if you have kids, especially young kids don’t listen to the most explicit songs around them.  Some radio stations do have decent music to listen without the cursing.

One big thing for me is don’t get mad at a child for wearing certain clothes when as a parent you wear those same things.  For example ladies if you wear shorts that look like a pair of underwear, how are you going to tell a child not to wear that?  Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?  As a parent, you should try to lead by example.  And a good example at that like not coming out of the house looking like Lady Gaga, Lil Wayne or some other celebrities that dresses a little over the top.  Also, make sure your kids are changing their clothes and taking baths or showers.  It’s not good to see a kid in the same clothes for a whole week with the same food stain in the same spot.  I know kids have a tendency spill a lot but they are not that accurate to spill in the same spot every single day.  They will add to it too.  And make sure their clothes fit.  Don’t send a kid out in a shirt that supposed to be a long sleeve shirt but the sleeves stop at their upper forearm.

Another real big thing for me is just because you are out somewhere with your kids, that doesn’t mean you can take a break from being a parent.  There’s nothing worse than being out somewhere and seeing kids running all over the place, running into people and getting into stuff they shouldn’t be doing while the parent or parents act like they don’t see them doing that until someone else says something.  Now they get mad when someone tripped their child because they were told to stop running around the store.

Most mothers and father these days need to realize that they are their child’s first teacher.  Not the school teachers or the people that work at community centers, THE PARENTS are the first teachers.  With younger parents, they need to wake and realize that when you have a child, that child becomes your number one priority as well as having a job and setting a good example.  It’s not others responsibility to raise someone else’s kids because that could either be a blessing or a curse.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Summer 2012

Summer came and is almost over.  It has been hot some days which means people were either at a pool or lake, inside hogging a fan or lounging in their central air conditioning.  I’m going to take this time writing about some things that need to be eliminated for next summer.

Men, we need to eliminate the socks with the casual sandals.  I already got on people for wearing socks with flip flops now it’s time get on these men that wear socks with casual sandals.  I’m not talking about some Nike or Adidas sandals which could be bad depending on the socks and if the sandals are too small or way too big.  I’m talking about a pair of brown hush puppies and you’re wearing a pair of black socks that go to your knees with them.  Usually the victims of this violation are the older generations.  So please if you see any family members or friends in violation, step on their foot and let them know that’s not a good look.

Another violation that some of the older men’s generations commit along with the socks and casual sandals especially the bigger men is wearing a belt and suspenders at the same time on a pair of shorts, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  I don’t want to sound mean when I say this but if you’re that big that you have to wear both a belt and suspenders, it’s time to put the remote control to the TV down and/or that box of snack you have been shoveling in your mouth and go for a walk or exercise.  If you know someone that commits this violations, please politely go up to that person, pull their suspenders far enough back that they will snap back at them hard and tell them to pick one.  But you might have to be careful because a lot of the older generation carries blades and don’t want you to get stabbed up.  You may be family but they still might poke you a few times with the blade.

Women, before you decide to buy those cute sandals you’ve seen in the store, make sure they fit your WHOLE foot.  The reason I say that is because I’ve been seeing a lot of women wearing sandals or flip flips that are too narrow for their wide feet.  There’s nothing wrong with having wide feet just make sure that you find the right shoe or sandals.  This isn’t like when I was talking about a person’s heel or toes hanging off the ends of the sandals. The only I could try to describe this problem is like when you walk on the edge of the curb but you keep slipping of the side if that makes sense.

Also women, I really don’t want to be mean when I say this but if your breast swing low looking like two hot water bottles on your chest you should really not wear a tube top.  I know it gets hot out during the summer but when a women wears a tube top but it looks more like a girdle, that’s not a good look and YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!! Don’t be ashamed to wear a strapless bra to help the twins out if you know what I mean if you want to wear a tube top.

This goes for both men and women, if people can see your stomach or your back while you are standing up but you insist that the shirt fits you just right, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  I’m not talk about when someone lifts their arm and their shirt comes up and then you can see their stomach which can be an unpleasant site for some people.  I’m talking about just standing with arms at their sides.  Everybody does not have abs of steel.  Me being one of them and that’s why I make sure my shirts fit.  There are times when your shirt rides up when you sit down but then you can pull it down though, hopefully.

When I finally post this blog posts, it will be one year that I have been writing this blog.  That may not sound like a lot to some but it’s huge to me.  I’m going to show prove that I belong as well write about other things other than pointing out violations.  I also want to thank everyone who has read at least one of my posts.  It means a whole to hear from people and how they enjoy reading my post.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Wake Up 3: The Return of the Angry Black Man……Well Not Really That Mad

I know it has been a while since I have written a blog.  But within that time, I have seen random things that make me and some others say WAKE UP!!!!

I will not stop talking about this until people start to realize how stupid it is to walk out of your house in pajama pants and slippers.  Don’t give that excuse that you’re comfortable, you can wear whatever you want or I just threw something on to go to the store but remember this, other people can see you.  This is what I see when I see someone that does that first, it looks like you just rolled out of bed and didn’t wash your ass.  Second, you don’t care your appearance. And finally, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  You are not that comfortable wearing that because you get offended every time someone says something.

Speaking of things to not wear out of the house during certain seasons of the year, shorts and sandals in the middle of winter.  It has been a rather mild winter here in Minnesota but you still see people wearing shorts and sandals out of the house.  It’s not 95 and sunny outside in December, it’s more like 30 degrees with a chance of flurries.  Not to mention that there is some snow on the ground.  Not a lot but enough to cover some ice patches. So when they slip and fall, now they are mad because their legs are really cold from the snow.

What makes guys sag their pants?  I refuse to call them men because they don’t dress like one.  That’s not a good look because you walk like you’re a penguin and took a s*** in your pants.  And no one wants to see your dirty underwear laced in grim (use your imagination).  And on top of that, they have the nerve to wear skinny jeans.  Like the hip hop artist Joel Ortiz says “You ain’t cool you wack with your foolish acts, skinny jeans don’t mean your ass shoot, it means your booty claps.”  If you don’t understand what he means, you’re lost.

As people, we need to realize that what you see is what you get on the outside.  You can say that’s not the person I am but your appearance says another thing.  If people see that you care about your appearance and the way you carry yourself & dress, you will earn respect.  It’s the complete opposite when you sag your pants and claim you’re a so-called gangster.  As a black man, the stereo type of the black man needs to be uplifted and torn down.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

2012 is finally here.  I hope everyone had a good time partying on New Years Eve and made it safely with no incidents like kissing on someone you shouldn’t be kissing on because you were full of liquid courage while your significant other was there.  I also hope people have chosen an achievable resolution to start off the year and not something they thought sounded good at the time.  With the start of the New Year, there are some things that need to be stopped ASAP.  For adults, it’s not a good look wearing those angry birds or cartoon characters stocking hats.  If you think they are cool or cute or whatever you want to call them, buy them for your kids.  If you don’t have any kids, buy them for a good friend kids.  If you don’t have friends or any friends that have kids, I don’t know what else to tell you.  And while I have it fresh in my mind, you shouldn’t be wearing back packs that have cartoon characters on them either.  If you have kids, let them wear the back pack or just hold on to the bag.  There’s nothing worse than seeing 6’4” 250 pound man wearing an Elmo back pack on his back with no kid in sight looking like a super sized elementary school kid with facial hair.  In 2012, I encourage everyone to wear the right size clothes.  If you are small, get the right size to fit your small frame.  Quit going to the big and tall store for tank tops when you’re only 5’5” 95 pounds and no muscle. Tank tops are not supposed to be baggy.  On the other end, to the larger people don’t get scared off by how many X’s are on the tag of your shirts or clothes.  If it fits and you look good in it, it’s all good.  Now with that being said, it’s the X’s not a tall t-shirt.  If you are short and stocky, you don’t belong in a tall t-shirt.  The shirt is down to your knees and you look like you have on a night gown.  To the parents, I have two things for you to start being more aggressive with in 2012.  The first is if you have elementary school kids, make sure you help them get dressed properly.  That is the time when they want to be more independent, pick out their own clothes and dress themselves.  Just remember if you let them wear high water jeans now, they will grow wearing high water jeans, for the parent’s sake maybe.  The second one is, make sure that your kid’s hygiene is right before they leave the house.  Make sure they are taking showers or baths and they are using deodorant.  Nothing worse then seeing a high school aged kid who dresses well but smells like they just jumped out of a pile of garbage. 

The start of a new year should be filled with new beginnings, start off fresh and erasing old negative memories.  Never consider anything as a failure but as a way to not do that same thing again.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.