Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fat Moment part 1

I’m a person who won’t call anyone fat but when I see something that’s a bit out there that involves eating, I’ll call it a fat moment.  Believe me when I say this that everyone whether you are big or small has had a fat moment.  I have had a few in my day and will probably have many more. 

On my way to work one day, I decided to stop at McDonald’s to get something to eat.  When I pulled into one of the drive thru lanes, I looked over to see a truck pull up in the other lane.  What made me really look over was because the person in the truck was pretty much yelling out their order out as if the speaker didn’t work right.  As they paused to let the person read back their order, the person in the truck pulls out a Wendy burger & starts eating it………………………………..YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  How fat do you have to be to order food at one fast food place while eating a burger from a totally different fast food place?  I didn’t see anyone else in the truck with them either.  That’s not a good look no matter how you try to explain it.  I have heard every excuse from maybe they were just ordering fries to they could have been ordering food for someone else.  If that was the case, maybe you should have waited to eat your Wendy burger AT HOME so people like me won’t talk about you.

I have a feeling that I will experience more fat moments so that’s why I’m labeling this one part 1.  Remember, common sense goes a long way and being aware of your surroundings can be a benefit or a so-called curse.  Follow me on Twitter @ wlhoward_psa for some Public Service Announcements as well.  Until the next time, stay cool

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