Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year’s Resolutions

2011 is almost over.  It’s time to party and bring in the New Year.  With that comes the question what is your new year’s resolutions?  For some people, that resolution hasn’t change since 1990 but they get away with it because the same person doesn’t keep asking them every year.  Either that or they know you’re not going to stick with it.  Here are some things people may want to stay away from and things that might help get you to your goal.  If you are going to make a resolution to get back in shape start off slow then increase as you feel yourself getting more in shape.  Don’t go out on January 2 and get a membership to a gym or work out facility knowing the only time you will see the gym is when you walk or drive past it on your way to a fast food restaurant.  Also don’t go out and purchase those P90x workouts knowing you can’t walk one block without getting tired.  It’s going to be hard to explain and embarrassing why someone had to call the paramedics to your house because you thought you were hanging in there but blacked out.  If you are single, quit blaming everyone else but yourself on why you can’t find the right person.  Take a step back and figure out what it is that is keeping you from finding the right one for you.  Maybe it’s the sudden yelling outburst.  Or maybe that you’re a grown person and still picks your nose out in public.  Or maybe it’s the uncontrollable farting in public.  Stuff like that.  Also don’t set your standards so high that you let a good person go by.  There are others like getting money and having a drama free 2012.  The only thing I’m going to say on money is get it the right way.  Don’t be out here trying to be something that you are not.  Now you are in prison with some hardcore killers because you thought you were Nino Brown.  The only way to keep 2012 drama free is simple, don’t put yourself in those situations.  If you are over the age of 30, you should already know better.  Too many grown people are still acting like they are still in high school, WAKE UP!!!!

The power of the mind is amazing.  If you don’t believe me, think back to a time when you were in bad situation and remember how you were feeling at that moment.  Now do the same but with a positive situation.  The same goes with getting back into shape, finding “the one” for you and other things.  If you believe that you can do it, you will.  If you don’t believe, nothing will happen.  Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool and see you next year.

1 comment:

  1. Great why no comments on sagging - really isn't this a fad - shouldn't it be over? I am scarred by seeing grey haired men sagging - grow up
