Monday, October 17, 2011


This is a chance to get whatever is bothering me off my chest and into writing at this moment.  It may be some very random thoughts.  My first random thought is if you are going to the mall or on a date with a woman, you shouldn’t wear a fitted hat that is too small for your big head and afro, a sweat shirt, baggy jeans with holes in them and sandals with some off white socks because they are dirty, WHAT THE **** IS THAT!!!!  Isn’t it in one way a man’s job to impress the woman with how they dress?  And that’s not saying too much about her taste either if she is out with him looking like that or she just won’t say anything and not talk to him again after the date.  To the parents of elementary school age kids, I understand that some of you have some pretty independent minded kids but please make sure that your child or children are dressed properly before they leave the house for school.  There’s no reason for your child to come out of the house with one of those stocking cap that you only see their eyes with a dress on looking like a serial killer at recess. And parents remember coordination.  Don’t have the kid coming out in something wouldn’t even wear as a kid.  Got the kids out with an orange flower shirt with some bright red pants and blue socks, WHAT WAS THAT.  Put some matching outfits out for them and have them choose one of them to wear.  Help them out a little.  And last, when was it ever fashionable to come out of the house still wearing pajama pants and slippers?  That deserves a WHAT WAS THAT and a YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  Only two things I can think of when you come out in pajama pants is one you really don’t care how you look that’s probably why you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend and two you probably didn’t wash your stinking ass before you left the house.  If your feet hurt that bad that you wear house slippers in public, maybe it’s time to go see a foot doctor.  That’s not a good look walking around the mall in some torn up house slippers with some ashy feet.  WAKE UP!!!!!

That actually felt good to let that out.  People need to wake up and realize if you want people to care about you, you need to care about yourself.  And parents if you have a good fashion sense make sure you kids do too.  They don’t need to copy you style.  Just make sure they coordinate there outfits.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

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