Thursday, July 21, 2011

You've been warned!!!!

First off, let me welcome you to my blog.  I have been doing Public Service Announcements for a while on my Facebook page and thought I would go more in depth with this to bring people awareness to their surroundings and themselves. I only write about what I see, not what I hear from someone else.  I will be blogging about dress code violations or in the words of comedian Tony Roberts a "You Need Your Ass Beat!!!!" moments.

Here are the definitions:

Dress Code Violation: Someone who knows what they are wearing is too small or too big but still wears it anyways. If you a big person, wear clothes that fit you comfortably.  If you are a small/skinny person, don't wear 3XL and above.  Another example, if you don't wear clothes that match.

YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!: Someone doing something  they have no business doing like ordering food at a fast food drive thru while eating a sandwich from a different fast food place or an extreme dress code violation like wearing a winter coat with flip flops.
Some may think they are funny and some may think they are offensive.  If you are one that thinks it's offensive, then that must mean I'm talking about you. I'm not doing this to piss people off or start any drama.  In our society, people are starting to be afraid to speak their mind & laugh.  If you can't voice your opinion or laugh, you're dying inside slowly.  I will not talk about physically or mentally handicapped people because they is nothing funny about their conditions.  Some posts may be funny and some may be serious.  Hopefully when you read them, you can make that distinction.  You've been warned so let's have a few laughs


  1. OMG!!! I saw two women yesterday with skimpy shorts, short sleeve shirts and knee-high rain-boots?!?!?!? SERIOUSLY??? It is NOT cute!

  2. You're crazy as hell Wayne! But I suppose you're only saying what the rest of us are thinking but won't speak on. ;-)Take care!

  3. I am sitting here with a tissue and running mascara! Your blogs are too funny!!! I can't wait to read more. :)
