Friday, July 29, 2011

Big Feet, Litte Sandals/Flip flops

This is a dress code violation that happens every year and every summer.  When are people going to realize if you have big feet, you have big feet.  Don’t buy sandals or flip flops smaller than your feet.  Do not believe the hype that buying smaller sandals or flip flops will make your feet look smaller.  If you can feel the ground with your toes or heels, THAT MEANS YOUR SANDALS ARE TOO SMALL!!!!  How are people going to get mad at me for talking about their feet when sparks fly when they walk.   What makes this violation so big, celebrities are victims of this as well.  Don’t they have people that dress them?  I should start stepping on people’s toes and heels

I can not stand feet so when people wear small sandals, they draw attention to their feet.  So if you are one of those people that wear small sandals, suffer from foot neglect (coming soon) or just have bad feet period (also coming soon), I will get you.  Remember, follow me on Twitter @ wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fat Moment part 1

I’m a person who won’t call anyone fat but when I see something that’s a bit out there that involves eating, I’ll call it a fat moment.  Believe me when I say this that everyone whether you are big or small has had a fat moment.  I have had a few in my day and will probably have many more. 

On my way to work one day, I decided to stop at McDonald’s to get something to eat.  When I pulled into one of the drive thru lanes, I looked over to see a truck pull up in the other lane.  What made me really look over was because the person in the truck was pretty much yelling out their order out as if the speaker didn’t work right.  As they paused to let the person read back their order, the person in the truck pulls out a Wendy burger & starts eating it………………………………..YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  How fat do you have to be to order food at one fast food place while eating a burger from a totally different fast food place?  I didn’t see anyone else in the truck with them either.  That’s not a good look no matter how you try to explain it.  I have heard every excuse from maybe they were just ordering fries to they could have been ordering food for someone else.  If that was the case, maybe you should have waited to eat your Wendy burger AT HOME so people like me won’t talk about you.

I have a feeling that I will experience more fat moments so that’s why I’m labeling this one part 1.  Remember, common sense goes a long way and being aware of your surroundings can be a benefit or a so-called curse.  Follow me on Twitter @ wlhoward_psa for some Public Service Announcements as well.  Until the next time, stay cool

Sunday, July 24, 2011

One piece swimsuits vs. Two piece swimsuits

Where do I start with this one.  I love a thick woman and have nothing against any BBW (Big Beautiful Women) but you have to draw the line in terms of what kind of swimsuit to wear.  If you are  200+ pounds, that should be a no brainer, ONE PIECE SWIMSUIT!!!! There's no way you should come out of the house looking like Rasputia from the movie Norbit in a two piece swimsuit.  If you haven't seen the movie, I suggest you check it out to see what I'm talking about.  But if you have nerve to come out of the house with a two piece swimsuit, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  There's nothing worse than going to the beach or swimming pool and seeing something pop out that only your man, husband or whoever you are with only see at home. 

And on that note, even with one piece swimsuits, get the right size.  If you are big, you are big. Don't buy a XXL swimsuit knowing that you need a XXXXL swimsuit.  Keep it real with yourself.  If you don't like what you see in the mirror, only YOU can change that.  If you are a little chubby, key words are a little chubby, you might be able to pull off a two piece swimsuit only if it's the right size. 

And skinny women, I know you didn't think you were going to get away for me that easy.  Skinny woman need to wear the right size as well.  Coming out of the water looking like the just took a number 2 (I don't think I need to explain what a number 2 is) and having to adjust their tops because they have a chest of a third grade boy.

But I already know what some of you BBW are thinking, what about men having their belly hang over the sides of their swim trunks.  Here's what I say one, that's nasty two, some men knowing they don't have the right body type wear a t-shirt and three, men have no other choice other than a Speedo.

All it is, is knowing the right swimsuit to wear.  Keep it real with yourself.  Until the next time stay cool.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

You've been warned!!!!

First off, let me welcome you to my blog.  I have been doing Public Service Announcements for a while on my Facebook page and thought I would go more in depth with this to bring people awareness to their surroundings and themselves. I only write about what I see, not what I hear from someone else.  I will be blogging about dress code violations or in the words of comedian Tony Roberts a "You Need Your Ass Beat!!!!" moments.

Here are the definitions:

Dress Code Violation: Someone who knows what they are wearing is too small or too big but still wears it anyways. If you a big person, wear clothes that fit you comfortably.  If you are a small/skinny person, don't wear 3XL and above.  Another example, if you don't wear clothes that match.

YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!: Someone doing something  they have no business doing like ordering food at a fast food drive thru while eating a sandwich from a different fast food place or an extreme dress code violation like wearing a winter coat with flip flops.
Some may think they are funny and some may think they are offensive.  If you are one that thinks it's offensive, then that must mean I'm talking about you. I'm not doing this to piss people off or start any drama.  In our society, people are starting to be afraid to speak their mind & laugh.  If you can't voice your opinion or laugh, you're dying inside slowly.  I will not talk about physically or mentally handicapped people because they is nothing funny about their conditions.  Some posts may be funny and some may be serious.  Hopefully when you read them, you can make that distinction.  You've been warned so let's have a few laughs