Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday – The Aftermath

Another Black Friday has come and gone.  Hopefully everyone knows what Black Friday is but if you don’t, Black Friday is the first day after Thanksgiving that stores have a ton of sales but only have a certain amount of items available.  So if you ever hear anyone bypass Thanksgiving or look at Thanksgiving as the day before Black Friday now you know.  I bet there are a ton of people that are still recuperating from Black Friday.  Maybe they took an elbow to the ribs going for that toaster they wanted, a finger in the eye going for that camera they were looking at or got pepper sprayed by another irate customer for reaching for the same Tv.  It never fails that there’s a few stories that stick out.  The things that I hear and read about on Black Friday are reasons why you probably won’t see me out at a store at the crack of dawn or even out on that day.   First I’m not a morning person so waking up to be at a store at 5am is unheard of for me.  As a matter of fact doing anything around 5am other than going to work is unheard of for me.  And who in there right mind would sit in a chair all night or camp out in front of a store just to be the first to get what they are looking for?  Is it that serious?  For all that, it better be something for them and worth it.  I wouldn’t see it justified to do that for someone else just for them to say it’s not what they wanted But if that does happen, you should rip one of their sleeves off of their shirt, get them an elbow to the side of their head or spray them with pepper spray just so they would know how it felt the day you fought your way in the store to get them something.  Speaking of pepper spray, someone would actually pepper spray another person or people while in the store, WHAT WAS THAT.  Did they feel that threatened by the other person to spray them?  Or were they doing that just so the other people wouldn’t get that last microwave?  You never know what goes through a person’s head at that time.  If you are a timid or paranoid person that you have to pepper spray someone in a store, you shouldn’t have been there.  Another thing is my patience in a parking lot is very low.  If I can’t find a parking spot in at least five to ten minutes at the most, it’s a wrap.  So if I ever decided to go to a store on Black Friday, someone else will have to drive unless they have patience like me because the time limit maybe even shorter on Black Friday or during the holidays period.  I’m getting better with my patience in the parking lot though.  And last I’m also not a fan of big crowds and rude people.  Not into getting bumped into by someone and then have them look at me like I did it on purpose.  With that being said, if I was reaching for the last Blu-Ray player and someone comes out of no where tries push me over to get that, it may get ugly.  They might have to use pepper spray just to get me off that person.  So one false move and it could go down in the store if you know what I mean.

It’s amazing what some people determine as important.  It’s also funny to see how far people would go to get what they want.  This year was the first time I heard pepper spray being used and it wasn’t the police.  I hope everyone got what they went to that store.  If not, you pretty much wasted gas on a blank journey.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  For some families that celebrate Thanksgiving, it’s a time give thanks to what they have, spend time with the extended family if they are in town and for the sports nut men and women in the family, to watch the football games all day.  But it’s also the kick off to the holiday season.  For some families, it kicks off the first leg of the ugly sweater contest Thanksgiving edition.  I really don’t get how some people get a sweater that makes them look like an over sized turkey and think that is fashionable.  Do those people realize that there are ugly sweater contest that they would probably dominate.  The bad thing is that the designers make money because some people just buy those sweaters just for ugly sweater parties and contests.  Another event that has really been magnified because of a show is eating.  It has taken on another meaning with Man vs. Food on.  I have a feeling some people are going to create their own personal challenges. How fast can I eat the whole turkey before anyone notices or can they eat two pies in 15 minutes.  And finally what every man and some women do on Thanksgiving is watch the football games before, after or even during the football games.  Now depending on when they eat and how much they eat, it could turn into you watching the game or the game watching you.  Hopefully the games will be good this year so then they don’t fall asleep.

I may joke a lot and point out certain things but I’m really thankful for waking up everyday, for my family, friends, making people laugh without offending anyone and the support I’m getting from people who have read my blog.  I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wake Up 2

I know it has been a while since I wrote a blog.  There has been a lot going on so I decided to write another WAKE UP blog. I just have a few more random thoughts to get off of the brain again.  It finally snowed here in Minnesota over the weekend and I’m still seeing people wearing sandals, WAKE UP.  There is snow on the ground and it’s cold outside but people are still wearing sandals.  I know it didn’t snow that much but if there snow on the ground, it should be time to put the sandals up until next spring. Maybe their feet are as tough as raw hide.  And if they are that rough, would you want them to rub their feet up against you while watching a movie?  Stuff like that makes me want to throw a snowball at certain people.  And speaking of open toe shoes for women, why do women still wear stocking with open toe shoes?  Isn’t that running the risk that you might tear your stockings with those razor blades that you call toe nails?  Then you are wondering why your foot is cold because your toes sliced through your stockings.  And finally for the women, is sequin still in style? I’m not talking about just the design on the shirt but the whole shirt is sequin.  Whenever the light hits your shirt, you are blinding everybody in that area with you shirt.  Men, if I see another man wearing a scarf with a short sleeve shirt thinking that’s a nice style, I’m going to choke them with their own scarf.  When you take your coat off, take the damn scarf off too.  You’re not a celebrity.  If you are between the ages of a high school kid to a grown person, STOP WEARING LITTLE KIDS BACKPACKS!!!!  It makes no sense to see high school senior or a so-called grown person wearing an Elmo from
Sesame Street
backpack, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  Do they know how stupid that looks?   You are big as hell with a little backpack made for LITTLE KIDS.  That just shows how many followers are around instead of leaders.

There are so many things that make you want to say WAKE UP.  As a society, we all need to realize that.  If you wear a backpack made for little kids and then wonders why you are treated like a little kid. And as for as the still wearing sandals in the winter time someone really needs to step on your foot in some big moon boots.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until next time, stay cool.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Liquid Courage

For those of you who don’t know what liquid courage is, it’s a little extra confidence someone gets after a certain amount of alcohol is consumed.  Now with that being said, you might see a lot of things when you go out that probably make more sense if you know what condition some of the people were in.  Here are things to avoid or help to avoid if you are a true friend.  Liquid courage will not get you a record deal.  No matter if you think you sound like Keyshia Cole and try to play every one of her songs in the juke box or request them from the Dj, to everyone else at the bar you sound like Keyshia No.  Diddy or Jay-Z is not walking through those doors to give you a record deal.  Liquid courage will not make you stronger.  So if you are 5’3” 105 pounds wet, just because after a few drinks you think you take the guy at the end of the bar who is 6’5” 240, chances are you might be calling 911 to have the paramedics remove his shoe from your butt.  Liquid courage will not give you sex appeal.  Instead of you thinking you are looking sexy and everyone is looking at you because you good.  What they are really saying while they are laughing is “Did you just that drunk chick fall?”  One of the only good things liquid courage does for you is gives you confidence to talk to that man or woman you have been looking at all night.  Depending on your condition at the time you make your move will determine whether or not you are getting that number.  If you are slurring and spitting in the person’s face as you are talking, you might or will get a drink thrown on you.  If you can compose yourself to look somewhat decent, you might lucky and get that number.

It’s amazing to see how much more confidence someone has after a few drinks.  Now what they do with that confidence can be hilarious as well.  Just make you sure you don’t hear these words the next day from a friend “I can’t believe you did that last night.”  Also make sure that if you do have liquid courage running through you system that you have ride home and don’t climb your drunk butt behind the wheel of a vehicle.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  Until the next time, stay cool.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

After Halloween

I remember the last thing I said in my Before Halloween blog was choose your costume wisely.  I think I’m going to vent a little bit.  I really don’t understand why people want to get their sexy back on Halloween of all days but don’t regularly dress like that.  And it’s not just women, men were trying to act like they were super models in what looked like a little kids costume, WHAT WAS THAT.  It’s just not right seeing a grown man wearing basketball shorts like he played basketball in 1950 when he is 5’8” and weighs 280, YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT!!!!  You know it’s cool to be very creative with your costume but it’s not creative when it takes you 30 minutes to get in a costume just to cut it off of yourself when you are done with it.  Women, I warned you to cover up what ever you didn’t want be seen.  If you suffer from noassatall, don’t wear a short skirt.  That only looks like you have a very long back with a crack in it.  And to the ones with too much junk in the trunk, don’t wear a short skirt either.  It’s not covering everything up back there and you are getting the married men in trouble for staring.  Another thing, not everyone wants to see your chest.  No matter if they are real, real fake or hang like 2 hot water bottles, Cover them up.  You are not Janet Jackson.  If you were to have a wardrobe malfunction, you won’t get a lot of attention.  The only attention you will get is when you get kick out of the party.  Finally to some parents you get a big YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT for letting your kids go out as a school girl, Lady Gaga or any celebrity where clothing is optional.  I wanted to kick those parents in the knees and chop them in the throat for that.  I really don’t know what else to say about that.

Shout out to everyone who put real thought into there costume and kept it clean to a certain degree if they were with kids.  If you were one of those people who only had costume just to try to win a costume contest and not just to have fun and party, chances are you probably didn’t win the contest.  Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa.  I’m also starting to put some funny quotes on there as well.  Until the next time, stay cool.