Another Black Friday has come and gone. Hopefully everyone knows what Black Friday is but if you don’t, Black Friday is the first day after Thanksgiving that stores have a ton of sales but only have a certain amount of items available. So if you ever hear anyone bypass Thanksgiving or look at Thanksgiving as the day before Black Friday now you know. I bet there are a ton of people that are still recuperating from Black Friday. Maybe they took an elbow to the ribs going for that toaster they wanted, a finger in the eye going for that camera they were looking at or got pepper sprayed by another irate customer for reaching for the same Tv. It never fails that there’s a few stories that stick out. The things that I hear and read about on Black Friday are reasons why you probably won’t see me out at a store at the crack of dawn or even out on that day. First I’m not a morning person so waking up to be at a store at 5am is unheard of for me. As a matter of fact doing anything around 5am other than going to work is unheard of for me. And who in there right mind would sit in a chair all night or camp out in front of a store just to be the first to get what they are looking for? Is it that serious? For all that, it better be something for them and worth it. I wouldn’t see it justified to do that for someone else just for them to say it’s not what they wanted But if that does happen, you should rip one of their sleeves off of their shirt, get them an elbow to the side of their head or spray them with pepper spray just so they would know how it felt the day you fought your way in the store to get them something. Speaking of pepper spray, someone would actually pepper spray another person or people while in the store, WHAT WAS THAT. Did they feel that threatened by the other person to spray them? Or were they doing that just so the other people wouldn’t get that last microwave? You never know what goes through a person’s head at that time. If you are a timid or paranoid person that you have to pepper spray someone in a store, you shouldn’t have been there. Another thing is my patience in a parking lot is very low. If I can’t find a parking spot in at least five to ten minutes at the most, it’s a wrap. So if I ever decided to go to a store on Black Friday, someone else will have to drive unless they have patience like me because the time limit maybe even shorter on Black Friday or during the holidays period. I’m getting better with my patience in the parking lot though. And last I’m also not a fan of big crowds and rude people. Not into getting bumped into by someone and then have them look at me like I did it on purpose. With that being said, if I was reaching for the last Blu-Ray player and someone comes out of no where tries push me over to get that, it may get ugly. They might have to use pepper spray just to get me off that person. So one false move and it could go down in the store if you know what I mean.
It’s amazing what some people determine as important. It’s also funny to see how far people would go to get what they want. This year was the first time I heard pepper spray being used and it wasn’t the police. I hope everyone got what they went to that store. If not, you pretty much wasted gas on a blank journey. Follow me on Twitter @wlhoward_psa. Until the next time, stay cool.